Compliance Officer
Compliance Officer and HIPAA Privacy Officer: Dianne Clarke, 720-688-3120
The RMHS Compliance Officer is the primary person responsible for oversight of the organization’s Compliance Program. Responsibilities include reviewing and evaluating compliance issues or concerns throughout the organization and serving as chairman of the Compliance Committee. This position is responsible for ensuring that the RMHS Board of Directors, management, and employees follow the rules and regulations of regulatory agencies, that company policies and procedures are being followed, and that behavior in the organization meets the organization’s Standards of Conduct.
Report Compliance Concerns to:
Compliance Hotline: 303-636-5810 or 1-800-682-1240
Privacy Officer
Privacy Officer: Dianne Clarke, 720-688-3120
The RMHS Privacy Officer is responsible for monitoring ongoing activities related to the development, implementation and maintenance of HIPAA Policies and Procedures in accordance with Federal and State rules and regulations. The HIPAA Privacy Officer also performs periodic risk assessments, coordinates HIPAA privacy training, and serves as a privacy resource to management and employees.
Click on a policy name below to view the PDF in a new window.
Security Officer
Security Officer: Nancy Stokes
The RMHS HIPAA Security Officer is responsible for the ongoing management of information security, policies, procedures and technical systems to maintain the confidentiality, integrity and availability of RMHS healthcare information systems in accordance with Federal and State rules and regulations. The HIPAA Security Officer also performs periodic risk assessments, develops, implements and maintains administrative, physical and technical safeguards, and serves as a security resource to management and employees.
RMHS holds a number of contracts with local, state and federal departments. A sample of our current contracts is below: