The RMHS Homes for All Veterans (HAV) program supports veterans across Colorado who are experiencing housing instability to secure permanent housing and find the right resources to help ensure independence and long-term success.

Supporting veterans who are experiencing housing instability to find safe and permanent housing, accessible healthcare, and legal counsel.

Additional HAV Services Include:
- Temporary shelter and legal services referrals
- Case management support
- Healthcare and benefits navigation
- Financial, transportation, and relocation assistance
- Supporting housing providers’ capacity to house veterans
- Peer Support Specialists available to provide unique support based lived experiences
Program Eligibility
You must be a US military veteran who has not been dismissed by a court martial or dishonorably discharged. You must be currently experiencing homelessness or at imminent risk of becoming homeless. An example of imminent risk of becoming homeless is receiving an eviction notice. You also must meet certain low-income requirements for your county.
Submit a Referral
If you are a veteran located in Colorado who is interested in the program, you can call us at 855-VETS-HAV (855-838-7428) or email to have an eligibility specialist walk you through the intake process.
Contact HAV
Statewide office: 855-VETS-HAV (855-838-7428) or
Colorado Springs office: 719-323-2600
If you are a veteran currently receiving services from us and you can’t locate your case manager’s phone number, please call our main line to ask for their information: 855-VETS-HAV (855-838-7428).