The Mission Supports Program, a unique and long-standing Denver resource for individuals with intellectual and development disabilities (I/DD) who are experiencing housing instability, helps to identify those who may qualify for disability benefits, walks them through the eligibility process required to access Colorado’s Home and Community-Based programs, supports in accessing the appropriate wraparound services available through RMHS, and connects them with the individualized support they need to pursue a future away from homelessness.

Supporting eligible Denver-area residents who are struggling with housing instability to obtain appropriate disability benefits and services and connecting them with the resources and support they need.

What Mission Supports Offers
- Identifies individuals in Denver who have an I/DD and experiencing housing instability to help assess eligibility for disability services and benefits.
- Works with eligible participants who need side-by-side assistance to obtain necessary I/DD benefits, medical care, legal assistance, guardianship, and available permanent housing.
- Supports self-advocacy and provides case management for those individuals who qualify for I/DD services and benefits.
- Offers service alternatives for those individuals who are not determined to have an I/DD.
Program Eligibilty
The Mission Supports program is accessible to people of all ages who have an I/DD and are unhoused in the city of Denver.
Submit a Referral
If you would like to submit a referral to the Missions Supports program, please use our online form.
Contact Mission Supports
If you have questions, please call 303-636-5782 or email