
Community Transitions

About Community Transitions

The Community Transitions program at RMHS supports the transition of children and adults from inpatient behavioral health, substance use, and criminal justice settings to community living.

Our statewide team is comprised of clinical care managers and certified Peer Support Specialists who provide comprehensive, person-centered support to help individuals and families identify needs, define goals, and access resources.

Man reading as a woman looks on in support.

Supporting children and adults to safely transition from inpatient behavioral health, substance use, or criminal justice settings back into their community of choice.

Momentum and Transition Specialist Programs

The RMHS Momentum and Transition Specialist Programs support the transition of children and adults from various behavioral health and substance use treatment settings to community living. Our care team assesses the needs and goals of individuals and families, collaborates to build systems of support, and helps to identify community resources that assist with a successful transition. Peer Support Specialists are also available to provide unique support to individuals based on their own personal experiences and recovery.

Female case manager talking to a teenager with yellow streaked hair while they sit on armchairs at office.

The Behavioral Health Administration contracts with Rocky Mountain Human Services for the administration of all programs within the Community Transitions Department.

Submit a Referral

If you would like to submit a referral to the Momentum or Transition Specialist Program, please complete our online form or email

Contact Community Transitions

Adults standing in a circle and holding each other's hands in support.