Rocky Mountain Human Services values our partnerships with community partners and works collaboratively with service agencies, organizations, and the business community to expand resources to meet ever increasing needs for people of all ages. We are always looking for ways to increase support for families, streamline access to needed community services, and expand opportunities for learning, work, and recreation.
Find Resources
In Colorado, voters with a disability have the option to vote electronically. People can access their ballots 22 days before and on election day.
(303) 894-2200 ext. 6343
(303) 869-4900 (fax)
Colorado Secretary of State Website
The Colorado Talking Book Library provides a free service for book borrowers unable to read standard print. The library has a variety of options to choose from, such as large print, braille, and audio formats. To access the services offered by CTBL, register as a member of the library here or at their Denver location.
(303) 727-9277
180 Sheridan Blvd
Denver, CO 80226
Library Website
The Denver Public Library offers loans of Chromebooks and Hotspots, instructions for how to use them, and a Digital Navigator call service that can provide free, ongoing help with acquiring and operating technology.
Digital Navigator phone number: 720-865-3446
Digital Navigator email: dignav@denverlibrary.org
Computer Help website
Resources for financial assistance for people with disabilities. This includes resources for vehicle and home modification to support persons with disabilities.
1-844-USA-GOV1 (1-844-872-4681)
Disability Financial Support Website
Dave’s Locker in Arvada Colorado is a free community medical equipment service that loans crutches, walkers, wheelchairs, shower stools, grab bars, canes, knee scooters, bathroom aids (and more) to anyone in need. To submit a loan request click here or visit their location. To donate to Dave’s Locker, contact them by phone.
Open: 10am-2pm Monday through Friday
7903 Allison Way
Arvada CO 80005
Dave’s Locker Website
Volunteers in Action collects and lends out a variety of medical equipment for free based on availability. The organization offers equipment such as walkers, crutches, grabbers, sock pullers, shower seats and more. To apply for equipment you can either call, visit the location or request equipment here.
9185 East Kenyon Avenue, Suite 130
Denver, CO 80237
VIA Website
The Home Builders Foundation of Metro Denver creates home modifications that meet their requisite criteria for families and individuals most in need. The modifications provide mobility options, based on financial need and funds available.
(303) 551-6721
88 Inverness Circle East E104
Englewood, CO 80112
Home Builders Foundation Website
Get affordable high-speed Internet at home with Internet Essentials for eligible households ($9.95 per month + tax.) You may qualify if you are eligible for public assistance programs such as the National School Lunch Program, Housing Assistance, Medicaid, SNAP, SSI, and others.
Neighbor Network is a volunteer-based organization that offers support to adults over the age of 60 living in Douglas County. Based on availability, volunteers can provide support in the areas of transportation, grocery shopping, light housekeeping, seasonal yard upkeep and light handy work. In order to receive services, you must be a member and you can apply here.
(303) 814-4300
104 Fourth Street, Castle Rock, CO 80104
Neighbor Network Website
PCs for People offers low-cost, professionally refurbished technology to those enrolled in a government assistance program. PCs for People has a retail location in the state of Colorado and offers online shopping and free standard shipping.
2492 Doswell Ave., St. Paul, MN 55108
PCs for People Website
Volunteers in Action is a Christian-based group that provides a supportive community for low-income seniors and people with a disability while building long lasting relationships. Volunteers support people in need in the areas of grocery shopping, reading for the blind, filling out forms, transportation and more. To request a volunteer, click here.
(303) 713-9144
9185 East Kenyon Avenue, Suite 130
Denver, CO 80237
VIA Website
Have questions about what qualifies as a service animal, where you can take one, or where assistance or companion animals are allowed? This resource provides helpful information specific to Colorado.
Adam’s Camp provides a variety of therapeutic programs for children with special needs and their families, along with recreational programs for youth and young adults with moderate developmental disabilities. They offer Early Start Therapy Camps, Mountain Therapy Family Camps, Overnight Adventure Camps and Social Events.
(303) 563-8290
56 Inverness Drive East #250
Englewood, CO 80012
Adams Camp Website
El Campamento Paha ofrece oportunidades de ocio, recreativas y educativas seguras, desafiantes y divertidas para jóvenes de 6 a 25 años, entre ellas brinda una serie de actividades que incluyen natación, deportes, juegos, naturaleza, música, teatro, senderismo, artes y oficios y excursiones dentro de la comunidad.
(303) 987-4866
Sitio web de Camp Paha
Offering safe, challenging and fun leisure, recreational and educational opportunities for youth ages 6-25, Camp Paha provides an array of activities including swimming, sports, games, nature, music, drama, hiking, arts and crafts and field trips within the community.
(303) 987-4866
Camp Paha’s Website
Colorado Community Church creates an inclusive environment for children, youth and adults with special needs through adapted lessons and support. Multi- Sensory classrooms are available for children ages 4 years old to 5th grade who have cognitive, behavioral and emotional needs, as well as those who have experienced trauma. Parents can join a support group for children with cognitive, behavioral and emotional needs in the evenings.
(303) 783-3838
Colorado Community Church
La Iglesia Comunitaria de Colorado crea un entorno inclusivo para niños, jóvenes y adultos con necesidades especiales a través de lecciones y servicios adaptados. Las aulas multisensoriales están disponibles para niños de 4 años – 5º grado, que tienen necesidades cognitivas, conductuales y emocionales, así como también para aquellos que han pasado por traumas. Los padres pueden unirse por la noche a un grupo de apoyo para niños con necesidades cognitivas, conductuales y emocionales.
(303) 783-3838
Sitio web de la Iglesia Comunitaria de Colorado
Colorado Symphony offers sensory friendly and affordable performances specifically designed for people with memory loss, autism, down syndrome, sensory processing disorder, and other conditions that might cause them to feel uncomfortable at concerts. These concerts create an inclusive environment to ensure everyone has access to live concerts.
(303) 534-0732
Colorado Symphony Website
Colorado Symphony ofrece una interpretación sensorial asequible y amigable, diseñada específicamente para personas con pérdida de memoria, autismo, síndrome de down, trastorno del procesamiento sensorial y otras condiciones que pueden hacer que se sientan incómodos en los conciertos. Ellos crean un entorno inclusivo, garantizando que todos tengan acceso a los conciertos en vivo.
(303) 534-0732
Sitio web de la Sinfónica de Colorado
Elevate 365 is a recreational, social and educational program that offers a variety of integrated activities to individuals three years of age and older with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Continuum empowers individuals of all abilities and offers services including Residential Services, Day and Seniors’ Choice activities, Family Caregiver, Supported Employment, and Home and Community Support.
(303) 214-3370
Continuum of Colorado
Elevate 365 es un programa recreativo, social y educativo de CoC que ofrece una variedad de actividades integradas para personas de tres años o más que tienen discapacidades intelectuales y del desarrollo. Continuum empodera a personas de todas las capacidades y ofreces servicios que incluyen servicios residenciales, actividades diurnas y de elección de adultos mayores, cuidador familiar, empleo con apoyo, apoyo en el hogar y la comunidad.
The Denver Art Museum established Creativity Resource thanks to a generous grant from the Morgridge Family Foundation. The site provides online learning resources for anyone to learn art and creativity.
El Museo de Arte de Denver estableció Creativity Resource gracias a una generosa subvención de la Morgridge Family Foundation. El sitio ofrece recursos de aprendizaje en línea para que cualquier persona aprenda arte y creatividad.
DPR offers community based therapeutic recreation programs for citizens with disabilities, including adapted aquatics, horseback riding, snow skiing, water skiing, teen night out, dances, Young Adult Adventures, overnight camping, rafting and much more. DPR supports inclusion and diversity by creating opportunities to improve quality of life, foster independence and boost self-esteem.
(720) 865-0820
DPR Website
The Youth Program locator is a database of afterschool and summer programs for youth ages 3 to 18. The locator gives families the opportunity to search online for virtual and in-person activities offered by a wide variety of organizations across Denver.
El localizador de programas para jóvenes es una base de datos de programas extracurriculares y de verano para jóvenes de 3 a 18 años. El localizador brinda a las familias la oportunidad de buscar actividades en línea y presenciales ofrecidas por una amplia variedad de organizaciones en todo Denver.
Feel the Beat a local non-profit organization and dance studio in Lakewood, CO, offers inclusive dance and movements to those with diverse disabilities and I/DD. Feel the Beat is dedicated to making the experience of music possible for all including those who are deaf, head of hearing, and with differing abilities. They offer both youth and adult classes and there are scholarships available.
Contact Us:
Feeding Many owns a nine-acre parcel of land in Morrison, which is used to grow food for food banks in Colorado. The organization opens the garden to community members for free to teach them about gardening and bee keeping as well as planting trees during tree planting season. To learn how to sign up call or visit their location at:
(303) 941-0375
4700 S Cole St.
Morrison, CO 80465
Feeding Many Website
Feeding Many posee una parcela de tierra de nueve acres en Morrison, que se utiliza para cultivar alimentos que sirven a los bancos de alimentos de Colorado. La organización abre el jardín de forma gratuita a los miembros de la comunidad para enseñarles sobre jardinería y apicultura, así como sobre cómo plantar árboles durante la temporada de plantación. Para saber cómo registrarse, llame o visite su local en:
(303) 941-0375
4700 S Cole St.
Morrison, CO 80465
Sitio Web de Feeding Many
The Friendship Circle of Colorado offers programs and creative activities designed to cultivate relationships and create a difference in the lives of children and young adults with special needs, and their families. The one-to-one peer mentoring and social-recreational programs are provided in the homes, schools, and communities of Metro Denver and surrounding areas.
(303) 792-7222
Friendship Circle of Colorado Website
El Círculo de Amistad de Colorado ofrece programas y actividades creativas diseñadas para cultivar relaciones y hacer la diferencia en las vidas de los niños y adultos jóvenes con necesidades especiales y en la de sus familias. Los programas de tutoría y recreación social de pares uno a uno se brindan en las casas, escuelas y comunidades metropolitanas de Denver y áreas circundantes.
(303) 792-7222
Sitio web del Círculo de la Amistad de Colorado
El Jumpstreet Indoor Trampoline Parks abre sus puertas una hora antes de las 9 a.m. todos los primeros sábados para ofrecer los Sábados para Familias Especiales. Las familias especiales tienen la oportunidad de disfrutar de una hora de juego antes de que el público en general sea admitido al horario regular de las 10 a.m.
Lakewood location (303) 590-1580
Greenwood Village location (303) 586-5530
Got Jump Website
Jumpstreet Indoor Trampoline Parks opens their doors at an hour early at 9 a.m. every first Saturday for Special Family Saturdays. Special families are provided the opportunity to enjoy an hour of play before the general public is admitted at 10 a.m.
Lakewood location (303) 590-1580
Greenwood Village location (303) 586-5530
Got Jump Website
History Colorado offers an online learning resource that makes Colorado’s history accessible to communities and audiences of all ages. The digital learning resource gives people the opportunity to learn about Colorado’s history in a classroom or at home.
History Colorado ofrece un recurso de aprendizaje en línea que hace que la historia de Colorado sea accesible a comunidades y audiencias de todas las edades. El recurso de aprendizaje digital brinda a las personas la oportunidad de aprender sobre la historia de Colorado en una sala de clase o en casa.
El Museo de Naturaleza y Ciencia de Denver comparte una lista de actividades científicas para que los niños las realicen en casa. La lista incluye actividades tanto dentro en interiores como exteriores para mantener activos a los niños.
Denver Museum of Nature & Science shares a list of science activities for children to do at home. The list includes activities to do indoors and outdoors to keep kids active.
Special Olympics provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. The sports, health and education programs empower individuals with I/DD by giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, communication, leadership skills and more.
(720) 359-3100
Special Olympics Colorado
Las Olimpiadas Especiales ofrecen entrenamiento deportivo y competencia atlética durante todo el año en una variedad de deportes tanto para niños como para adultos con discapacidades intelectuales. Los programas de deportes, de salud y educación empoderan a las personas con I/DD brindándoles oportunidades continuas para desarrollar su aptitud física, comunicación, habilidades de liderazgo y más.
(720) 359-3100
Sitio Web del Special Olympics Colorado
Storyline Online alberga una biblioteca de videos con historias leídas en voz alta. Storyline Online está disponible las 24 horas del día para niños, padres, cuidadores y educadores de todo el mundo.
Storyline Online hosts a library of videos featuring stories read aloud. Storyline Online is available 24 hours a day for children, parents, caregivers and educators worldwide.
Mo Willems leads videos with activities to draw, doodle and explore new ways of writing. People of all ages have joined Mo Willems in his studio for weekday LUNCH DOODLES.
Mo Willems dirige videos con actividades para dibujar, garabatear y explorar nuevas formas de escribir. Personas de todas las edades se le han unido en su estudio para los LUNCH DOODLES entre semana.
Wilderness on Wheels provides easier access to the outdoors for people of all abilities, their families, friends and caregivers. The organization created a mile-long board walk in the Colorado Mountains for people to be able to go into the wilderness with a disability and have access to nature.
(303) 403-1110
Wilderness on Wheels
Wilderness on Wheels proporciona un acceso más fácil al aire libre para personas de todas las capacidades, sus familias, amigos y cuidadores. La organización creó un sendero entablado de una milla de largo en las montañas de Colorado para que las personas con alguna discapacidad puedan ir al desierto y tener acceso a la naturaleza.
(303) 403-1110
Sitio web de Wilderness on Wheels
Xcel Beyond brinda asistencia financiera a personas con discapacidades del desarrollo para actividades que de otro modo no podrían pagar. Xcel Beyond podría financiar el costo de las entradas para un concierto o partido de fútbol, equipos deportivos costosos y más.
- Todas las solicitudes deben mejorar la vida y brindar oportunidades recreativas y experimentales.
- El solicitante debe tener una discapacidad del desarrollo y proporcionar algún comprobante de dicha discapacidad.
- El solicitante debe tener al menos 21 años.
- El solicitante debe participar en un programa residencial o un programa de vida asistida.
- Las solicitudes de financiación deben recibirse al menos 30 días antes de la actividad.
(303) 351-3935
Sitio web de Xcel Beyond
Xcel Beyond provides financial assistance to developmentally disabled individuals to help cover activities they otherwise could not afford. They might fund the cost of tickets to a concert or football game, expensive sports equipment and more.
- All requests must be life-enhancing and provide recreational, experiential opportunities.
- The applicant must have a developmental disability and provide proof of such disability.
- The applicant must be at least 21 years old.
- The applicant must be participating in a Residential Program or Assisted Living Program.
- Requests for funding must be received at least 30 days prior to the activity.
(303) 351-3935
Xcel Beyond
Civil rights advocacy organization serving children, teenagers and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the areas of education, health care, legal issues, housing, transportation and financial issues. Advocacy Denver offers informative webinars that provide helpful tips and lessons for people with disabilities and their families.
950 S Cherry St Ste 1100
Denver, CO 80246
Advocacy Denver
Autism Society of Colorado serves as an important advocate and resource for the autism community that provides support groups, events, and trainings for individuals with ASD, their caregivers, and their loved ones. The organization advocates for inclusion in policy and provides trainings and advocacy for organizations to include equal access employment opportunities.
Autism Society of Colorado Website
Autism Speaks offers a wide range of resources, research articles, and advocacy for those with Autism and their families. The organization promotes solutions and innovations for all age groups.
Autism Speaks
A guide to taking care of individuals with Cerebral Palsy. Find resources, treatments and learn more about Cerebral Palsy.
(866) 638 9285
Cerebral Palsy Guide
Colorado Springs Down Syndrome Association offers supports to individuals with Down syndrome and their families through financial assistance, advocacy and friendship. CSDSA promotes awareness of Down syndrome and empowers families in Colorado Springs and surrounding communities.
(719) 633-1133
Colorado Springs Down Syndrome Assocation
Mountain Dreamers provides financial assistance for the Deferred Action For Childhood Arrival (DACA) application or renewal if you live or work in Summit County, Lake County or Eagle County. On the organization’s website, they share information about the application process, free workshops and can connect you with legal assistance.
Mountain Dreamers Website
Denver CCPA helps families who qualify pay for child care for infants to children age 13 and special needs youth up to age 18. There may be a wait list.
Denver Child Care Assistance Program
Denver Parent Advocates Lending Support (DPALS) supports families who have an open case with the Denver Human Services Child Welfare Division by connecting families with parent partners to help them navigate the child welfare system.
(720) 810 5025
DPALS Website
Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) is a collaboration of local governments that establish guidelines, set policy, and allocate funding for mobility growth, development, aging and disability resources. DRCOG has a resource database called Network of Care that is specific to the needs of seniors, people with disabilities over 18, and their caregivers.
(303) 480-6700
Network of Care
El Grupo Vida is a Spanish-language, Hispanic/Latino network of families who have children with disabilities or special needs. It provides advocacy support, guardianship support, and community support. El Grupo Vida offers free classes to the community and provides a space for adults and youth to connect through support groups to members of the community who are experiencing similar situations regarding a loved one with special needs.
Family Voices aims to achieve family-centered care for all children and youth with special health care needs and/or disabilities. Family voices has a national network to provide families with tools to make informed decisions, advocate for improved public and private policies, build partnerships between professionals and families, and serve as a trusted resource on health care.
Family Voices
Denver Human Services offers free assistance to parents navigating child support systems through information sharing, classes, and support groups. This empowering program is open to all parents with several father-focused options.
(720) 944-1323
Fatherhood program Website
For parents that are having difficult time comforting their baby who may have trouble feeding and sleeping, this organization provides advice to help. Work with an infant specialist that helps parents with babies in their first year of life.
- Infants under 1 years old
Parents Encouraging Parents (PEP) is a program of the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) intended to provide families and parents who have children with disabilities, ages birth to 21, with information relating to parents, parenting, educating, and supporting a child with a disability.
Parent to Parent of Colorado (P2P-CO) is a network of families across Colorado that connects families to each other and other resources. P2P-CO helps provide emotional and informational support to parents of children with disabilities or special healthcare needs.
(877) 472-7201
P2P-CO Website
The mission of PEAK Parent Center is to provide training, information and technical assistance to equip families of children, birth through age 26, including all disability conditions, with strategies to advocate successfully for their children.
(719) 531 9400
PEAK Parent Center Website
RMDSA helps parents understand the realities of parenting a child with Down syndrome and helps guide them on their journey. The organization shares education, resources and support for people with Down syndrome through a community network.
(303) 797-1699
RMDSA Website
Servicios de la Raza provides and advocates for essential human services and opportunities in the Latino community. The organization uses culturally responsive support and networks to be an accessible resource to all regardless of age, race, gender, etc.
(303) 458-5851
Servicios de la Raza
Small World Special Needs, is a multi-cultural resource hub that provides people helping children with special needs with resources and information. Their Videos and Tips section offers video presentations about children with disabilities in a variety of languages.
Small World with Special Needs Website
This new program provides behavioral health services for children, adolescents and their families. Some of the services offered at the Hive include individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy, case management and peer support. They also have LGBTQIA+ focused therapy for youth clients as well as community focused services such as their food bank open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10am to 12pm.

Neurodiversity Unbound is an autistic-owned and operated business that provides education and insights on the neurodivergent experience for both people within the disability community and for people who wish to better understand the disability experience. This small business offers personal consulting and mentorship opportunities as well as business consulting to support organizations in creating an environment more accessible and inclusive to those with different neurotypes.
UCP serves as a resource and bridge for individuals with cerebral palsy and other disabilities through a network of affiliates. From home ownership to health care reform, inclusive education to competitive employment, UCP affiliates provide supports and services in different communities to meet the needs of people with disabilities and their families.
(202) 776 0406
UCP Website
The Brain Injury Alliance of Colorado (BIAC) offers a free, statewide Youth Education Consultation Program to students up to age 21 who have a history of acquired brain injury. The program offers support to youth and families, as well as school teams, in understanding the impact of brain injury on learning and ensuring student success.
The Aurora Day Resource Center provides breakfast and lunch to individuals who are 18 years and older. Breakfast begins at 8:30 a.m. and lunch begins at 12:30 p.m. Individuals must bring their masks. If you are a family with children under 18 you can call and request food to be brought to you outside of the facility.
(303) 343-7808
13387 E 19th Pl.
Aurora, CO 80011
Basic Emergency Services at Servicios Del La Raza provides assistance to individuals and families who are need of extra support. The program’s dedicated and bilingual staff helps individuals and families via emergency food assistance, enrolling in the SNAP program, access to a clothing bank and hygiene care, community service opportunities and more.
To receive emergency food assistance, call and make an appointment 24 hours ahead to pick up a food basket on Wednesdays or Thursdays.
Individuals and families who reside in Adams, Denver, and Jefferson counties
(303) 458-5851
3131 W 14th Ave.,
Denver, CO, 80204
BES program Website
Bayaud Enterprises provides a food bank on Thursdays, employment support, and resource navigation to residents of the Denver area. To access the food bank, visit their location on Thursdays from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.
(303) 830-6885
333 W. Bayaud Ave.
Denver, CO 80223
Bayaud Website
Bienvenidos Food Bank provides food assistance to individuals and families in need in the Denver area. The food bank operates from 10am to noon and 3:30pm to 5:30pm most Thursdays.
3810 Pecos Street
Denver, CO 80211
Bienvenidos Food Bank Website
Marisol Family (previously the Gabriel House Project) provides a variety of supplies to mothers and families with young children. They can provide diapers, wipes, formula, baby food, blankets and clothing (up to 5T) and maintain a variety of locations on the Front Range.
Marisol Family Website
Cafe 180 feeds everyone regardless of their ability to pay via a program that trades food for work. People who are unable to pay can volunteer their time at the café from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday for either a 30- or 60-minute shift. After a shift, a meal is provided.
Café 180 Website
Provides an inventory of food banks located in southern Colorado. The list contains information about meal sites, food pantries, child hunger initiatives, and partnerships. Find food programs that cater to low income, seniors, families and individuals living in in southern Colorado.
Cathedral Basilica provides sandwiches with coffee in the morning at 8 a.m. and a bag of lunch for individuals from 1- 1:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Bags of lunch food include nonperishable items.
(303) 831-7010
Cathedral Basilica Website
Catholic Charities provides emergency assistance for individuals and families in situations such as loss of a job, victimization of a crime, diagnosis of a disease, hospitalization after an accident, or loss of a loved one or caretaker. Assistance with energy bills is also available for emergency situations.
(303) 742-0828
Catholic Charities Emergency Assistance Website
A list of food assistance programs provided by the Colorado Department of Labor & Employment (CDLE).
CDLE Website
Clothes to Kids Denver provides clothing to children ages 3 to 21 and currently offers curbside pickup for a wardrobe that includes 5 outfits, 1 coat, 1 pair of shoes, 1 bra (optional) and 5 pairs each of new underwear and new socks. An appointment to receive these items can be made by phone call or email.
(720) 379-4630
Clothes to Kids of Denver
CRSP connects refugees to the community and employers as a holistic approach to refugee resettlement. Their services and programs deliver statewide coordination of refugee resettlement to with the goal of refugee self-sufficiency and long-term integration.
Refugees who arrived in the United States within the past five years.
(303) 863-8211
CRSP Website
Community Food Share provides food to people living in Boulder and Broomfield counties. They distribute food via onsite food pantries, mobile food pantries and senior food programs. Find local food resources through their Food Finder Map.
Crossfire Ministries offers clothing, food, toiletries and household items for those in need in El Paso County.
Social Security card for all family members and client must have a photo ID.
(719) 447-1806
Crossfire Ministries Website
The Co-op hosts a local Farmers market that accepts SNAP and Double Up Food Bucks seven days a week and partners with Energy Outreach Colorado to offer up to $1000 per year of assistance with overdue electricity bills. The Co-op also offers a variety of services and classes including nutrition, cooking, gardening, yoga, Zumba, commissary kitchen and food truck training, herbal medicine and so much more.
The Co-op at 1st Flyer [NEEDS LINK]
The Co-op at 1st Website
Denver Department of Public Health & Environment (DDPHE) provides a list of food assistance resources in Denver and links to their websites.
Denver Inner City Parish (DICP) provides multiple wrap-around services and assistance to those seeking to overcome poverty. DICP has multiple programs including programs for seniors, immigrants, and food assistance. Their food pantry operates from 9am to 12pm every Saturday.
(303) 629-0636
1212 Mariposa Street
Denver, CO 80204
DICP Website
Denver Human Services and Foodbank of the Rockies provides food at Denver Human Services’ East Office every 3rd Friday of the month from 9-11:30 a.m. No ID required. Distribution occurs outside, so dress appropriately and bring your bags!
DHS Mobile Food Pantry Website
3815 Steele St.
Denver, CO 80205
Denver Rescue Mission offers a variety of emergency services including food assistance, housing assistance, rehabilitation, transitional programs for refugees, and clothing distribution.
Denver Human Services and Foodbank of the Rockies provides food at Raices Brewing Co every fourth Monday of the month from 9- 11:30 a.m. No ID required. Distribution occurs outside, so dress appropriately and bring your bags!
(303) 371-9250
DHS Mobile Food Pantry Website
2060 W Colfax Ave.
Denver, CO 80204
Women, Infants and Children (WIC) promotes healthy families by supporting food costs, nutrition knowledge, breastfeeding support and more. The program provides support free of charge to Colorado families who qualify.
- Pregnant, breastfeeding (up to one year after the delivery of baby), or postpartum women (up to six months after delivery)
- Women with an infant or child up to five years of age
- Currently living in Colorado
- Income-eligible (Participants of other programs such as Medicaid, SNAP, TANF may automatically be income-eligible)
- Able to provide acceptable documentation, including proof of identification, income and residence
(303) 602-6550
WIC Website
Food Bank of the Rockies’ warehouse is the central distribution program providing food and essentials to communities in northern Colorado and Wyoming. Enter your zip code and find the closest food bank on the Food Bank of the Rockies website.
The Family & Intercultural Resource Center (FIRC) provides free Community Food Markets in Dillon and Breckenridge. Residents of Summit County are welcome to come to the markets once per week and receive up to $200 of groceries, household items, and hygiene products. No identification or income information is required. Rules of the food market are posted on the FIRC website.
Fresh Start Center provides meals to individuals and families in need through their food distribution program located in Colorado Springs. The food program is open every Tuesday and Thursday from 10a.m.- 4p.m., and the first Wednesday of each month from 4-6 p.m.
(719) 495-3123
7375 Adventure Way
Colorado Springs, CO 80923
Fresh Start Center Website
The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Food Pantry helps individuals and families facing hunger and food insecurity. The food pantry distributes shelf-stable and nutritionally balanced foods that are expected to last 5-7 days. Toiletries and baby supplies are distributed when available. Visits to the food pantry are limited to two per month.
Applicants must earn less than 200 percent of the federal poverty level (FPL) and identification and proof of address are required.
(303) 597-5000
3201 South Tamarac Drive
Denver, Colorado 80231
Jewish Family Services Website
The Hunger Free Colorado food resource hotline is available for all Coloradans to call if they struggle with access to food. The hotline offers bilingual services and connects callers to food stamps, food pantries and more.
(720) 382-2920
(855) 855-4626 (Toll-free)
Hunger Free Colorado
Denver Food Rescue works with various organizations in Denver to provide fresh produce to people in need. No identification, documentation, or proof of income is required.
(720) 510-9139
Denver Food Rescue Website
Volunteers of America’s Smiling Spoon program provides seniors age 60 years and older with hot meals.
(970) 472-9630
Smiling Spoon Website
Senior Support Services provides meals, clothing, individualized case management, medical care, mental health care, housing, socialization, and activities for hungry and homeless seniors ages 60 and older.
(303) 832-1622
846 E 18th Ave
Denver, CO 80218
Senior Support Services Website
Tasty food provides Denver youth in need ages 1-18 with a nutritious snack or a supper meal. No registration or identification is required. Locations and times of service are provided on their website.
Tasty Food Website
The GrowHaus provides residents living in the zip code 80216 with weekly free groceries via their emergency food program. To apply, call or complete the application form in English or Spanish.
(720) 515-4751
The GrowHaus Website
The Mission offers meals during the week and Sunday to men, women and children. From Monday – Thursday, The Mission provides breakfast at 8:30 a.m., lunch at 11:30 a.m. and dinner at 5 p.m. Lunch is offered on Friday at 12 p.m. and on Sunday at 1 p.m.
(303) 295-2165
The Mission Website
The Table at Bethlehem is a Christian church that provides hot meals for the community every Thursday at 6 p.m. Closed on some holidays, including Thanksgiving.
(720) 515-8253
2100 N. Wadsworth Blvd,
Lakewood, CO 80214
The Initiative provides free supportive services and case management for individuals who are victims of abuse, including (but not limited to) those who self-identify as having a disability. The staff provides a variety of personalized supportive services which can include attending court hearings for emotional support, organizing and preparing court documents, peer counseling, bilingual advocacy, training courses and more. To apply, call or apply online.
(303) 839-5510
(720) 503-9580 (Text)
6825 E Tennessee Ave Bldg 2, Ste 475
Denver, CO, 80224
The Initiative Website
Voluneers of America hosts several nutrition and food programs designed to assist individuals with their nutritional needs and families with emergency food, including Meals on Wheels, the City Harvest Food Bank, congregate dining centers, the Market Meal program, The Mission, and more.
(303) 297-0408
VOA Colorado Website
WeeCycle is a Colorado-based nonprofit that provides baby supplies for local families in need. They match baby supplies to families through partner organizations working to alleviate poverty, homelessness, domestic violence, teen pregnancy and under-employment.
Weld Food Bank works to alleviate hunger in Weld County through food programs that address hunger for children, seniors, families, and individuals. Their food resource finder map helps residents find local food sites in Weld County.
(970) 356-2199
1108 H Street
Greeley, CO 80631
Weld Food Bank Website
An online service for Coloradans to apply for medical, food, transportation, energy, and cash assistance programs.
Colorado PEAK Website
The Health First Colorado Buy-In Program for Working Adults with Disabilities lets adults with a disability who qualify to benefit from Health First Colorado (Colorado’s Medicaid Program). This program can serve individuals who work and earn too much to qualify for Health First Colorado. Those who qualify for the Buy-In Program will pay a monthly premium based on their income.
People with disabilities aged 16 through 64 based on their gross individual income
(800) 711-6994
Health First Website
The United States Social Security Administration (SSA) provides information about federal benefits. Use this site to access your social security account, find out if you are eligible for certain benefits, apply for benefits, and more.
(800) 772-1213
TTY Accessible: (800) 325-0778
SSA Website
The Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP) helps Colorado families that are
experiencing homelessness, working, searching for work, or in school find low-income childcare assistance. CCCAP services can also benefit families that are enrolled in the Colorado Works Program. Eligibility requirements vary from county to county and can be found on the CCCAP website below.
CCCAP Website
The Out of School Program is an option for child care services before and after school. The program is available in Glendale, Arvada, Golden and Lakewood and children must be between ages 5 and 12 to qualify. Yearly registration is first come, first served.
(720) 524-2755
YMCA Website
The Center for Employment Opportunities (CEO) offers free employment and training services to individuals currently on parole or probation. The program provides paid transitional jobs, resource navigation, job coaching, wraparound services and more. The employment and training services help individuals returning home from incarceration to find a job and build a career. Call or visit the location to learn more.
- Must have a criminal conviction and be under probation or parole supervision.
- Must be unemployed.
- Must be older than 17 years old.
Colorado Springs Location
(719) 694- 5450
888 Garden of the Gods Road, Suite 110
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Denver Location
(720) 279-8489
3532 Franklin Street, Suite S,
Denver, CO 80205
CEO Website
The Empowerment Program provides re-entry services to women living in the Denver Metro area who have been or are about to be released from a correctional facility. Women in the program receive case management, medical, behavioral health, and vocational support services, free of charge.
Ways to be referred to the program:
- If you are already on parole, talk with your parole officer or a DOC Community Re-entry Specialist
- If you are in community corrections (residential or non-residential status), you can talk with a Case Manager at the program or the DOC liaison
- If you are in a correctional facility, talk with your Case Manager
*If you have been released from a correctional facility and are not on supervision, you are NOT eligible for the Women’s Pilot Program.
- Women who have been, or are about to be, released from a correctional facility
- Women who live or will live in Denver.
(303) 320-1989
(720) 446-6331
1600 York Street
Denver, CO 80206
Empowerment Program Website
Community Connections Center (C3) is a resource hub that assists individuals with housing resources, benefits, addiction and recovery treatment options, food and clothing assistance, telehealth with virtual options and more. To receive support, call C3’s resource specialist at (720) 497-7748.
(720) 497-7748
Remington Building (2nd floor)
11011 W. 6th Ave
Lakewood, CO 80215
C3 Website
Servicios de La Raza offers this free program designed to support individuals ages 18 to 24 with a history in the justice system to reenter the community, become self-sufficient and build sustainable lifestyles. The youth program provides case management and reentry services to help qualifying individuals successfully transition back into the community.
(303) 458-5851
3131 W 14th Ave.
Denver, CO, 80204
WAGEES Website
WAGEES is a free program offered by Servicios de La Raza that supports the reentry of adults on parole or in a halfway house to reenter the community, become self-sufficient, build sustainable lifestyles and gain the skills necessary to stay out of prison.
Adults who have a Department of Corrections number and are on parole or in a halfway house in Colorado
(303) 458-5851
3131 W 14th Ave.
Denver, CO, 80204
Adult Reentry Website
The American Indian Council strengthens and empowers the American Indian community in metropolitan Denver. The council provides support to uplift the Indigenous people of Colorado. Their activities include activism, maintaining a community garden, hosting community events, and more.
(303) 893-6890
Four Winds Center Website
The University of Denver shares Colorado-specific resources to promote antiracism. Find these resources at DU Libraries and other local organizations.
National Education Association shares a list of Black History Month lessons and resources for students in grades K-12. This page breaks down the resources based on grade level.
brother jeff’s Cultural Center, located in Historic Five Points, is a community hub that shares resources and strengthens the community. The center provides space for people to connect and dynamic programming such as visual and performing arts, education, enrichment, resources for local youth, and community events.
The center also provides a free food pantry Wednesdays through Fridays from 4:00 – 7:00 p.m.
(303) 297.0823
2836 Welton Street
Denver, CO 80205
Denver Public Library provides blog posts centered around diversity and cultural inclusivity, including book recommendations for adults and children.
Help for African Americans is a large database of resources that list grants and financial assistances across all 50 states to ensure that African Americans in Colorado have the assistance they need to make ends meet. These resources are organized into categories such as childcare, housing, groceries, utility bills, and more.
Soul 2 Soul sister is a faith-based racial justice organization that addresses antiracist ideologies and promotes healing in the Black community. The organization provides self-love Saturdays for black woman to heal and engage with one another and a program called Facing Racism to address anti-racism.
(720) 295-4876
S2S Website
Anchor Center for Blind Children provides early education and intervention services for children birth to five years old who are blind or visually impaired. The team provides a collaborative approach to education, therapeutic and family support services to ensure lifelong success.
(303) 377-9732
Anchor Center for Blind Children Website
Bright by Text is a free text service that offers childcare and parenting tips, activities, and resources for anyone who is expecting a child or who cares for a child ages birth through eight. Subscribers can opt for texts in English or Spanish.
Bright by Text Website
The Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP) helps families that are homeless, working, searching for work or in school to find low-income child care assistance. Families that are enrolled in the Colorado Works Program can also use CCCAP services. Find eligibility based on your county here.
CCCAP Website
CDC’s Developmental Milestones provides parents with resources and tools to track and monitor their child’s development from 2 months old to 5 years old. Easily track your child’s development by downloading the Milestone App.
Colorado Early Childhood Mental Health (ECMH) Consultation is a free program that helps parents and caregivers of children ages 6 and under to create nurturing environments and relationships that support their child’s mental health and well-being. The program helps equip adults with the skills to support their children’s social-emotional development and ability to identify signs that could lead to greater challenges in the future. To apply, fill out the online referral on their website or contact a program near you.
ECMH Website
Head Start is a federal program that promotes the school readiness of children from birth to age five from low-income families by enhancing their cognitive, social, and emotional development. Head Start programs provide a learning environment that supports children’s growth in many areas such as language, literacy, and social and emotional development.
- Children from birth to age five from families with low income, according to the Poverty Guidelines published by the Federal government.
- Children in foster care, homeless children, and children from families receiving public assistance
Colorado Head Start Website
The Denver’s Early Childhood Council serves as Denver’s early childhood hub, leveraging resources, opportunities, and connections to create a quality system that positively impacts the lives of children and their families. DECC works with different stakeholders to enhance the quality and availability of childcare and early education opportunities for children.
(303) 297-1800
3532 Franklin Street, Suite F
Denver, CO 80205
Denver Early Childhood Website
Early Intervention Colorado is an interagency initiative led by the Colorado Department of Human Services. This initiative provides services and support to children with developmental delays or disabilities and their families from the time of the child’s birth until their third birthday. Early Intervention Colorado also provides no-cost evaluations to determine if a child may need support.
The Families Forward Resource Center (FFRC) provides supportive services and programs designed for African American parents/guardians in northeast Denver and north Aurora. FFRC provides resource navigation, breast feeding support, parenting classes, and activities for pregnant women and mothers of children 17 months and younger in the Healthy Baby Strong Families program.
(303) 307-0718
FFRC Website
The Family Support Line is a service of Family First at Shiloh House. The support line is designed to serve as a statewide resource for parents or primary caregivers to provide helpful information about family life and child development. Shiloh House also provides referrals to support groups, parenting classes and community resources for parenting support.
(877) 695-7996 (English)
(866) 527-3264 (Spanish)
Office: 303-933-1393
Shiloh House Website
Colorado ParentSmart Healthline offers free healthcare advice from registered pediatric nurses. Parents can access this free healthline 24/7.
(720) 777-0123
1-855-543-4636 (KID-INFO)
ParentSmart Healthline Colorado
Head Start programs promote school readiness for children from birth to age five from low-income families at no cost. The program provides learning environments that support healthy development, positive parent-child relationships, family well-being, and connections to peers and community. Find a Head Start program in your community here.
(303) 866-4804
Head Start Website
Families Forward Resource Center (FFRC) supports African American families and women who are thinking about becoming pregnant, are pregnant or have a child under 2 years of age. The center provides free baby supplies, helpful tips and opportunities to network with other parents.
(720) 837-8950
12000 E. 47th Ave #113
Denver, CO 80239
FFRC Website
The Hippy program is a free home visitation service that helps Jefferson County parents prepare their children (ages 2-4) for success in school. Home visitors visit participants’ homes weekly to help parents boost their child’s cognitive, literacy, social-emotional, and physical development.
(303) 982-0014
MotherWise supports pregnant women and mothers with newborns 3-months old or younger in the Denver-metro area with free workshops that focus on communication, problem solving and caring for a newborn. These workshops are currently available to mothers across Colorado virtually. MotherWise can also support clients by funding transportation (typically via Uber), meals and childcare during each workshop.
Motherwise Colorado Website
Parent Thrive connects pregnant and postpartum women to resources that support their mental health and wellbeing. The organization uses specialists and resource navigators to fulfill needs.
The Office of Early Childhood offers the “PLAYbook” to parents and families of young children to help prepare kids entering kindergarten through innovative activities designed for skill building. The PDF file is interactive and allows users to take notes or use the checklists and interactive tools digitally.
PLAYbook in English and Spanish
SafeCare Colorado is a free in-home parenting program that provides parents of children five and younger with hands-on support and instruction in areas such as safety, health, and meaningful child-parent interaction.
(303) 225-4186
(720) 428-1666
325 King St
Denver, CO 80219
Vroom provides science-based tips and tools to inspire families to support early learning in everyday moments. Vroom gives family an opportunity to enhance everyday moments into brain building moments.
El Comité de Longmont ofrece clases gratuitas de GED (diploma de educación secundaria) y ciudadanía a los residentes de Boulder. Las clases de preparación para el GED se imparten de forma presencial los días martes y jueves de 9:30 a.m. a 1:00 p.m. y de 7:00 a 8:30 p.m. Las clases de ciudadanía se imparten los miércoles de 6:00 a 7:30 p.m. Elija el local más ventajoso
(303) 651-6125
455 Kimbark St
Longmont, CO 80501
402 Kimbark St
Longmont, CO 80501
Sitio web
El Comite de Longmont offers free GED and citizenship classes to Boulder residents. GED preparation classes are hosted in person on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Citizenship classes are hosted on Wednesdays from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. Choose between two convenient locations.
(303) 651-6125
455 Kimbark St
Longmont, CO 80501
402 Kimbark St
Longmont, CO 80501
The Colorado Department of Education (CDE) provides leadership, resources, support and accountability to the state’s 178 school districts. Find resources for students and families in Colorado’s education programs.
El Departamento de Educación de Colorado (CDE) proporciona liderazgo, recursos, apoyo y responsabilidad ante los 178 distritos escolares del estado. Encuentre recursos para estudiantes y familias en los programas educativos de Colorado.
Makes preschool possible for all 4-year-olds within the city- regardless of neighborhood or socio-economic status, through tuition support and access to information. The program increases access to quality preschool across Denver.
Hace posible la educación preescolar en la ciudad para todos los niños de 4 años, independientemente del vecindario o del estado socioeconómico, a través del apoyo de matrícula y el acceso a la información. El programa aumenta el acceso a un preescolar de calidad en todo Denver.
305 Park Ave West Ste B
Denver CO 80205
(303) 595-4377
Sitio web del programa Preescolar de Denver
Encuentre las actualizaciones de las Denver Public Schools, información sobre programas y recursos útiles para el aprendizaje remoto.
(720) 423-3200
Sitio web de Denver Public Schools
Find Denver Public School updates, program information and helpful resources for remote learning.
(720) 423-3200
Denver Public Schools Website
ACE Connect helps students at DPS between the ages of 15 -21 have access to Transition services directly related to their post-school outcomes. The program provides programming aligned to DPS graduation requirements to support essential skills attainment and The Continuum of Services for College and Career Readiness.
ACE Connect ayuda a los estudiantes de DPS de entre 15 y 21 años a tener acceso a servicios de transición directamente relacionados con sus resultados después de la escuela. El programa ofrece una programación alineada con los requisitos de graduación de DPS para apoyar el logro de habilidades esenciales y los servicios Continuum para la preparación universitaria y profesional.
Sitio web de ACEConnect
Colorado State University offers statewide services, programs, and classes to help Coloradans enhance their health and wellbeing. Programs offer a wide array of educational opportunities, some of which include nutrition education, clean and renewable energy classes, gardening and home horticulture, and 4-H (a youth and children program). To learn more, call your local county extension office for more information.
No restrictions applied
Find your local county contact here.
La Universidad Estatal de Colorado ofrece servicios, programas y clases en todo el estado para ayudar a los habitantes de Colorado a mejorar su salud y bienestar. Los programas ofrecen una amplia gama de oportunidades educativas, algunas de las cuales incluyen educación nutricional, clases de energía limpia y renovable, jardinería y horticultura doméstica, y 4-H (un programa para jóvenes y niños). Para obtener más información, llame a la oficina de extensión de su condado.
No se aplican restricciones
Encuentre el contacto de su condado aquí.
Sitio web
El Sistema Colorado provides students K through 12 with a free after-school orchestra program. The program provides all instruments for students. To apply, visit one of the links below:
(303) 953-0063
2980 Curtis St
Denver, CO 80205
El Sistem Colorado Website
El Sistema Colorado ofrece un programa de orquesta extracurricular gratuito a los estudiantes desde el jardín hasta el 12vo grado. El programa proporciona todos los instrumentos a los estudiantes. Para solicitarlo, visite uno de los siguientes enlaces:
- Formulario de interés de El Sistema Colorado (en inglés)
- Formulario de interés de El Sistema Colorado (español)
(303) 953-0063
2980 Curtis St
Denver, CO 80205
Sitio web de El Sistema Colorado
Aprendizaje para la Justicia capacita a educadores, jóvenes, cuidadores y miembros de la comunidad para que sean catalizadores de la justicia racial y apoyen los derechos humanos de todas las personas mediante el intercambio de información y la conexión con la comunidad. El sitio comparte una biblioteca de recursos gratuitos que incluye artículos, guías, lecciones, películas, seminarios web, marcos de referencia y mucho más. El proyecto también brinda oportunidades para asistir a conferencias y talleres, y para conseguir asociaciones escolares y comunitarias.
Learning for Justice empowers educators, young people, caregivers, and community members to be a catalyst for racial justice and support the human rights of all people through information sharing and community connection. The site shares a free resource library that includes articles, guides, lessons, films, webinars, frameworks and more. The project also provides opportunities to attend conferences, workshops, and to garner school and community partnerships.
Learning Heros informs and engages parents and educators to best support their child or students’ education. The website has helpful tips and tools to support education, better communication with teachers, family engagement, resources for teachers and more!
Learning Heros informa y compromete a los padres y educadores a apoyar la educación de sus hijos o estudiantes de la mejor manera posible. El sitio web tiene consejos y herramientas útiles en apoyo a la educación, una mejor comunicación con los profesores, la participación de las familias, recursos para los profesores y mucho más.
OSERS supports programs that help educate children and youth with disabilities, provides for the rehabilitation of youth and adults with disabilities and supports research to improve the lives of individuals with disabilities. OSERS guides and supports a comprehensive array of programs and projects that support individuals with disabilities.
(202) 245-7468
OSERS Website
OSERS apoya programas que ayudan a educar a niños y jóvenes con discapacidades, proporciona rehabilitación de jóvenes y adultos con discapacidades y apoya la investigación para mejorar las vidas de las personas con discapacidades. OSERS guía y apoya una amplia gama de programas y proyectos que apoyan a las personas con discapacidades.
(202) 245-7468
OSERS Website
Colorado Employment First prepara a los beneficiarios de SNAP para el empleo a través de capacitaciones, experiencia y apoyo mensual en la búsqueda de empleo. El programa promueve la autosuficiencia y la independencia de los residentes de Colorado.
Residente de Colorado
Beneficiario del beneficio de SNAP
Sitio web de Colorado Employment First
Colorado Employment First prepares SNAP recipients for employment through trainings, experience and monthly job search support. The program promotes self sufficiency and independence to Coloradans.
Colorado Resident
SNAP Benefit Recipient
CW STEP ayuda a conectar a las poblaciones en riesgo que son elegibles para la asistencia en efectivo básica de Colorado Works – el programa financiado con fondos federales de Colorado que brinda asistencia temporal en efectivo para familias necesitadas – con una experiencia y una oportunidad de trabajo profesional crucial.
Elegible para asistencia básica en efectivo de Colorado Works
Sitio web de CW STEP
CW STEP helps connect at-risk populations who are eligible for basic cash assistance from Colorado Works—Colorado’s federally funded program providing temporary cash assistance for needy families—with crucial professional work experience and opportunity.
Eligible for basic cash assistance from Colorado Works
CW STEO Website
Denver Day Works brinda experiencia laboral a corto plazo para adultos que están sin hogar o están en riesgo quedarse sin uno. Las personas que participan del programa reciben el pago por sus servicios el mismo día, además de comidas para el desayuno y el almuerzo. El programa ofrece opciones de trabajo accesibles y conecta a las personas con la navegación de beneficios y los servicios de empleo.
Tener 18 años o más
Estar sin vivienda
Tener ganas de trabajar
Participar de una orientación
333 W Bayaud Ave
Denver, CO 80223
Sitio Web de Bayaud
Denver Day Works provides short term work experience for adults experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness. People in the program receive same day payment for their services and meals for breakfast and lunch. The program offers accessible work options and connects individuals to benefits navigation and employment services.
Must be 18 years or older
Experiencing Homelessness
Have a desire to work
Attend an orientation
333 W Bayaud AveDenver, CO 80223
Bayaud Website
El Programa de Empleo con Apoyo de IPS en Easterseals aborda las barreras al empleo para las personas con discapacidades intelectuales y de desarrollo que viven en Denver. El programa trabaja con las personas para enseñarles habilidades laborales vitales, aumentar las oportunidades de empleo y ayudar a los que tienen empleo a mantenerlo. El programa ofrece servicios gratuitos para el empleo, formación en habilidades, apoyo laboral, asesoramiento laboral, entrenamiento en el uso de autobuses y mucho más a aquellos que buscan de empleo que reúnen los requisitos necesarios.
Ser residente en Denver
Tener una discapacidad intelectual y/o de desarrollo
Kim Berg
Sitio web de Easterseals
The IPS Supported Employment Program at Easterseals tackles barriers to employment for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities living in Denver. The program works with individuals to teach vital job skills, increase employment opportunities, and help those who are employed to stay employed. The program provides qualifying jobseekers with free employment services, skills training, job support, job coaching, bus training, and more.
Denver Resident
Must have an Intellectual and/or developmental disability
Kim Berg
Easterseals Website
Employment Works provides employment related services to individuals with disabilities in the Denver Metro area and throughout Colorado. The program provides youth employment mentoring, adult/youth job development and placement and Social Security Work Incentive Planning and Assistance (benefits counseling.)
801 Yosemite Street
Denver, CO 80230
Employment Works Website
Employment Works brinda servicios relacionados con el empleo a personas con discapacidades en el área metropolitana de Denver y en todo Colorado. El programa ofrece orientación sobre empleo juvenil, desarrollo y colocación laboral para adultos/jóvenes y planificación y asistencia de incentivos laborales del Seguro Social (asesoramiento sobre beneficios).
801 Yosemite Street
Denver, CO 80230
Sitio Web de Employmnet Works
Developmental Disabilities Resource Center provides employment services to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities living in Clear Creek, Gilpin, Jefferson and Summit counties. The program provides a variety of services including competitive integrated services career exploration, job development, initial on-the-job training, travel training and ongoing follow-along supports.
DDRC Website
El Centro de Recursos para Discapacidades del Desarrollo brinda servicios de empleo a personas con discapacidades intelectuales y del desarrollo que viven en los condados de Clear Creek, Gilpin, Jefferson y Summit. El programa brinda una variedad de servicios que incluyen exploración de carreras de servicios integrados competitivos, desarrollo laboral, capacitación inicial en el trabajo, capacitación para viajes y apoyo continuo.
Sitio Web de DDRC
IN! es una organización sin fines de lucro que crea oportunidades universitarias inclusivas para estudiantes con discapacidades intelectuales en Colorado. IN! trabaja para ayudar a los estudiantes a encontrar empleos exitosos después de graduarse.
7931 S Broadway #193
Littleton, CO 80122
Sitio web de ¡IN!
IN! is a nonprofit that creates inclusive college opportunities in Colorado for students with intellectual disabilities. IN! works to successfully help students find successful employments after graduating.
7931 S Broadway #193
Littleton, CO 80122
IN! Website
El empleo asistido es un programa que ayuda a las personas con enfermedades mentales y/o trastornos por uso de sustancias a encontrar y mantener puestos de trabajo, mientras que al mismo tiempo proporciona a los empleadores acceso a empleados motivados. El modelo de colocación y apoyo individual (IPS) de empleo asistido es uno de los muchos tipos de programas vocacionales para personas con problemas de salud comportamental, y las investigaciones demuestran que tiene mucho éxito.
Supported employment is a program that helps people with mental illness and/or substance use disorders find and keep jobs, while at the same time providing employers with access to motivated employees. The Individual Placement and Support (IPS) model of supported employment is one of many types of vocational programs for people with behavioral health issues, and research shows it is very successful.
IPS Website
JAN proporciona servicios de consultoría gratuitos para todas las personas, independientemente de su condición y situación laboral.
JAN provides free consulting services for all individuals regardless of condition and employment status.
JAN Website
Job-Line is a program of DenverWorks that provides phones to entry level job seekers with barriers to employment including ex-offenders, monolingual Spanish speakers, those interested in getting off government assistance, individuals who lack transportation, childcare, or high school diplomas/GEDs. Apply via the online application or visit one of the locations below.
Income under $2,000
Receiving government assistance
Living in the Denver metro area
Aurora Office
10139 E Colfax Ave
Aurora, CO 80010
Denver Office
6000 E Evans Ave.
Denver, Colorado 80222
Job Line Program Website
Job-Line es un programa de DenverWorks que entrega teléfonos a los solicitantes de empleo de nivel inicial que tienen barreras para encontrar un empleo, incluyendo ex delincuentes, hablantes de español monolingüe, los interesados en salir de la asistencia del gobierno, las personas que carecen de transporte, de cuidado de niños, o de diploma de escuela secundaria/GED. Aplíquese a través de la solicitud en línea o visite una de los locales a continuación.
Tener ingresos menores a $2,000
Recibir ayuda del gobierno
Vivir en el área metropolitana de Denver
Oficina de Aurora
10139 E Colfax Ave
Aurora, CO 80010
Oficina de Denver
6000 E Evans Ave.
Denver, Colorado 80222
Página web del programa Job Line
ReHire Colorado es un programa de empleo de transición para ayudar a las personas a superar las barreras laborales. El programa les ayuda a reincorporarse a la fuerza laboral combinando trabajo remunerado, capacitación laboral y servicios de apoyo.
Legalmente presente y elegible para trabajar en los Estados Unidos.
Residentes de Colorado
A partir de los 18 años
No estar encarcelado o no disponible para trabajar
Ingresos familiares por debajo del 150% del nivel federal de pobreza, ajustado al tamaño de la familia
Estar desempleado o empleado por no más de 20 horas por semana, durante al menos cuatro semanas consecutivas
Sitio web de Rehire Colorado
ReHire Colorado is a transitional employment program to help individuals tackle employment barriers. The program helps people re-enter the workforce by combining wage-paid work, job skills training and supportive services.
Lawfully present and eligible to work in the United States
Colorado residents
At least 18 years old
Not incarcerated or otherwise unavailable for work
Family income below 150% of the federal poverty level, as adjusted for family size
Unemployed, or employed for no more than 20 hours per week, for at least four consecutive weeks
Demonstration of active job search through the public workforce system
Rehire Colorado Website
SNAP to Success provides employment support and training opportunities to SNAP eligible individuals in Denver County. The SNAP to Success team helps individuals entering the workforce to acquire the necessary skills to be successful in their role. People in the program receive case management, job retention skills, training and more. To apply, call or email the SNAP to Success team.
SNAP to Success Flyer
SNAP to Success brinda apoyo de empleo y oportunidades de capacitación a los individuos elegibles para SNAP en el condado de Denver. El equipo de SNAP to Success ayuda a las personas que se incorporan a la fuerza laboral a adquirir las habilidades necesarias para tener éxito en su función. Las personas que participan en el programa reciben administración de casos, habilidades para conservar el empleo, capacitación y más. Para solicitarlo, llame o envíe un correo electrónico al equipo de SNAP to Success.
Folleto de SNAP to Success
SCSEP participants are provided a minimum wage while learning new skills and improving their opportunity to become employed. Employment training takes place at nonprofit and government agencies such as libraries, senior centers, schools and parks. Participants help community organizations expand their service capacity while developing their job skills, self-confidence and a restored sense of self-worth.
Age 55 or older
Legally eligible to work in the U.S.
Living in a household with income of no more than 125 percent of the federal poverty level
Los participantes de SCSEP reciben un salario mínimo mientras aprenden nuevas habilidades y mejoran su oportunidad de conseguir un empleo. La capacitación laboral se lleva a cabo en agencias gubernamentales y sin fines de lucro, como bibliotecas, centros para personas mayores, escuelas y parques. Los participantes ayudan a las organizaciones comunitarias a expandir su capacidad de servicio mientras desarrollan sus habilidades laborales, confianza en sí mismos y un sentido de autoestima restaurado.
A partir de 55 años
Legalmente elegible para trabajar en los EE. UU.
Vivir en un hogar con ingresos que no superen el 125 % del nivel federal de pobreza
TACT provides trade and technical training specifically created for individuals on the autism spectrum that lead to employable jobs and lasting careers. The overall goal is to increase the proficiency of each person’s marketable interests before they leave school, imparting skills and workplace preparation to increase future employment opportunities and success.
Individuals ages 14 to 21 on the Autism Spectrum
TACT Website
TACT proporciona capacitación técnica y comercial creadas específicamente para personas con espectro del autismo para conducirlos a empleos y carreras duraderas. El objetivo general es aumentar la competencia de los intereses comerciales de cada persona antes de que deje la escuela, impartiendo habilidades y preparación en el lugar de trabajo para aumentar las oportunidades de empleo y el éxito futuros.
Personas de 14 a 21 años con el espectro del autismo
2733 W 8th Ave
Denver, CO 80204
Sitio web de TACT
The Family & Intercultural Resource Center (FIRC) provides financial assistance to qualifying individuals 55 years old and older with medical, prescriptions, housing, food and clothing assistance. For those who are low-income or struggling to afford what they need the FIRC offer food bank and thrift store vouchers that are available Tuesdays and Thursdays at the FIRC Office from 12:30 -2:30 p.m.
FIRC Website
Colorado’s Adult Financial Programs include the Aid to the Needy Disabled-Colorado Supplement program; the Aid to the Needy Disabled-State Only program; the Burial Assistance Program; the Old Age Pension program; the Home Care Allowance program; and the Personal Needs Allowance program.
Colorado resident
Must be a United States or naturalized citizen, or an eligible legal permanent resident and be lawfully present
Must be approved for SSI due to a disability or blindness
Must pursue and accept all other potential income and resources that may be available
Helps qualifying Denver families who have been financially impacted by COVID-19. Designed to aid those who don’t qualify for other benefits, this program assists residents with at least one child at home who have annual incomes up to $75,000.
Call 3-1-1
The Denver Animal Shelter is offering a $20 pet care package with proof of a SNAP/EBT card.
When: Saturdays and Sundays, 9 am -11 am
Where: Vaccination Clinics at Denver Animal Shelter, 1241 W Bayaud Ave, Denver
The deal: This deal includes a canine distemper/parvo or feline distemper vaccination, rabies vaccination, pet license, and microchip.
Discount available to Denver County residents only
The Emergency Broadband Benefit is an FCC program provides financial support to families and households struggling to afford internet service during the COVID-19 pandemic. The benefit connects eligible households to jobs, critical healthcare services, virtual classrooms, and provides a discount of up to $50 per month towards broadband service for eligible households and up to $75 per month for households on qualifying Tribal lands.
Broadband Benefits Website
The Health First Colorado Buy-In Program for Working Adults with Disabilities lets adults with a disability who qualify to “buy-into” Health First Colorado (Colorado’s Medicaid Program). If you work and earn too much to qualify for Health First Colorado you may qualify. If you qualify, you pay a monthly premium. Your monthly premium is based on your income.
Ages 16 through 64 based on their gross individual income that is adjusted with applicable disregards. The calculated amount must be at or below $4,684. which is 450% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) in 2019.
Health First Colorado Website
Tax Help Colorado offers free tax preparation assistance to individuals who earn less than about $54,000 a year, helping to ease the burden of commercial tax preparation costs on low-wage earners.
Tax Help Website
Colorado Works is Colorado’s Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. Through the program, participants receive help becoming self-sufficient by strengthening their family’s economic and social stability. Colorado Works operates in all 64 counties and is delivered locally through each county’s department of human or social services.
A person must have a dependent child in the home or be pregnant.
Colorado resident
Must be a United States or naturalized citizen, or an eligible legal permanent resident and be lawfully present
Must meet the income guidelines
Must partner with child support
TANF Website
Women Partnering provides financially vulnerable women and children in the Colorado Springs area with an opportunity to develop goals and create plans to meet those goals with the support of a network of women from diverse backgrounds. The program uses a wholistic approach to help women become economically sustainable and find resources they need to remain stable. People can apply by visiting in person or calling over the phone.
961 E Colorado Ave.
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Women Partnering Website
The Sie Center at Children’s Hospitals specializes in research and care for children with Down syndrome. The center provides evaluation, consultation and therapies for infants, children, teens and young adults with Down syndrome.
The Sie Center Website
The A.V. Hunter Trust provides funds for individuals (who are legal residents of Colorado) who need assistance to purchase durable medical equipment through applications from a referring professional.
ASNC provides a story tailored to children about staying healthy. The story illustrates a story of the dangers of spreading germs.
Blink Health helps people find prescription medications available at lower prices.
This guide helps uninsured individuals and families, health care providers and community organizations locate the healthcare options and resources that are available for uninsured and underinsured Coloradans.
Blue Guide Colorado Website
Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) is public low-cost health insurance for certain children and pregnant women. It is for people who earn too much to qualify for Health First Colorado (Colorado’s Medicaid Program), but not enough to pay for private health insurance.
Children age 18 and under and pregnant women age 19 and over.
Applicants with household income under 260% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). See Do You Qualify For Child Health Plan Plus? for more details.
Colorado Residents
Lawfully residing children and pregnant women with no five year waiting period
Applicants not eligible for Health First Colorado
Applicants who do not have other health insurance
CHP+ Website
Statewide hotline to report suspected child abuse and neglect. All callers will be able to reach someone via the hotline 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
844-CO-4-KIDS (844-264-5437)
Colorado Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline
An online health insurance marketplace where you will be able to shop, compare, pick and purchase the health plan that is right for you. Get basic information about how you can start shopping for a health insurance plan through Connect for Health Colorado.
Connect for Health Website
Dental Lifeline Network is a national humanitarian organization providing access to comprehensive dental services for people with disabilities or who are elderly or medically at-risk.
Dental Lifeline Network
Global Down Syndrome Foundation and Denver Health have joined forces to organize a pilot clinic which aims to provide excellent medical care to adults with Down syndrome. The clinic recuited Down Syndrome expert to address medical health concerns and behavioural health concerns on Mondays.
21 years and older
Colorado Resident
Accepts donations of durable medical equipment and medical supplies and supplies them to people of all ages in Colorado and Wyoming. The organization also provides guidance in acquiring medical equipment and supplies.
Colorado is funded jointly by a federal-state partnership and is administered by the Department of Health Care Policy & Financing.
Health First Colorado Website
The Older Adults’ Equity Collaborative (OAEC) Resource Library provides digital tools, resources and guidance to the aging services network to better serve older adults and family caregivers. The Resource library provides supportive information with a variety of online resources for areas such as social isolation, mental health, Alzheimer’s/dementia, disabilities, caregiving, retirement income and security and emergency planning
Resource Library Website
Kids Mobility Network is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization providing children with disabilities with durable medical equipment such as wheelchairs, walkers and other medical equipment.
Kids Mobility Website
Online resource that guides you through every step of the diagnostic and treatment process. Find information and videos on asbestos, mesothelioma cancer, treatment options and much more.
Mesotheloma Treatment Website
National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability (NCHPAD) is a resource center that works to help people with disabilities get healthier by participating more in all types of physical and social activities. NCHPAD also trains service providers to make their programs more inclusive.
NCHPAD Website
Online information about programs that provide assistance to people who are unable to afford their medications and health care costs.
The Boulder Shelter for the Homeless provides an overnight shelter for adults 18 and older. To apply, adults must complete the Boulder County Coordinated Entry by calling the number below on Monday, Wednesday, Thursdays, and Fridays. For same day entry you must call before 3:40 pm and check in between the hours of 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm.
303-579-4404 (Boulder)
4869 N Broadway
Boulder, CO 80304
Boulder Shelter Website
Brothers Redevelopment connects Colorado’s low-income, elderly and disabled residents with affordable, safe and accessible housing solutions. Brothers provides support to the community through rental assistance, senior support, housing repairs and more.
Brothers Redevelopment, Inc.
2250 Eaton St., Garden Level
Edgewater, CO 80214
Brother’s Redevelopment Website
CAA shares a list of resources that may be able to help Colorado Tenants who are struggling to pay their rent and utilities. Resources available on the web site and separated by location: City, County and Statewide.
CAA Website
The Coalition is a national leader in providing integrated housing, health care, vocational and supportive services, creating lasting solutions to homelessness. They work diligently to create lasting solutions to homelessness.
Colorado Foreclosure Hotline is a resource that connects homeowners in distress or at risk of foreclosure to HUD-approved housing counseling agencies. In-house counselors support individuals with foreclosure prevention counseling and other relevant services.
Colorado Foreclosure HOTLINE
877-601-HOPE or 877-601-4673
Colorado Foreclosure Website
Colorado Housing Connects provides accessible resources to Coloradans in the areas of general housing and fair-housing resources. They connectColoradans with a range of services such as eviction prevention services for renters and foreclosure prevention for homeowners. The website provides useful housing information for renters, homeowners, landlords and homebuyers. Call or submit an inquiry online to get support.
Brothers Redevelopment, Inc.
2250 Eaton St., Garden Level
Edgewater, CO 80214
Colorado Housing Connects
Qualifying Colorado residents may be eligible for the Property Tax/Rent/Heat Credit rebate, also known as the PTC Rebate. The rebate provides qualifying parties a partial refund of property taxes or rental payments made, or a partial refund of heat or fuel expenses total based on the applicant’s income and expenses.
Specific eligibility requirements exist, visit website to learn more.
Denver Rescue Mission helps homeless families and seniors transition into permanent housing. If approved families receive first month’s rent and security deposit assistance (including mentoring).
Currently experiencing homelessness (cannot be in a signed lease)
Either a single parent with a child under the age of 18 in custody, or a senior (age 60 +)
Verifiable source of all current income and benefits
Estimated future rent not to exceed 50% of net income
Copy of Social Security cards for all household members
Copy of birth certificates of children and a photo ID of adult
Not a registered sex offender or have a violent felony
Willing to be mentored (7 meetings)
Rent, Utility and Mortgage Assistance Programs offer resources to Denver residents who are facing financial hardship to help prevent eviction or foreclosure.
Call 3-1-1 and press 6
Assistance Website
Denver Rescue Mission helps homeless families and seniors transition into permanent housing. If approved families receive first month’s rent and security deposit assistance (including mentoring).
Currently experiencing homelessness (cannot be in a signed lease)
Either a single parent with a child under the age of 18 in custody, or a senior (age 60 +)
Verifiable source of all current income and benefits
Estimated future rent not to exceed 50% of net income
Copy of Social Security cards for all household members
Copy of birth certificates of children and a photo ID of adult
Not a registered sex offender or have a violent felony
Willing to be mentored (7 meetings)
This emergency shelter provides overnight accommodations to adults ages 18 and older. People can apply by calling phone number below between 5:00 am and 12:00 pm and leaving a voicemail that includes their first name, last name, and gender identity. Call again at 2:00 pm and listen to the recording to determine if selected for the lottery. If selected, arrive between 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm to receive services for the day.
Supports available at the shelter:
• Meals, hygiene items and seasonal clothing
• Showers
• Referral services and case management
• Healthcare screenings provided by MCPN (Metro Community Provider Network)
• LGBTQ+ affirming supportive services
2178 Victor St
Aurora, CO 80045
Adult Shelter Website
Aurora Day Resource Center becomes a 24/7 shelter during certain weather emergencies during the winter season. In times when the center become a shelter, the shelter becomes a first-come, first-serve basis. To get more information, call the number below.
13387 E 19th Pl
Aurora, CO 80011
Housing Website
Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) Division of Housing is offering short-term rental and mortgage assistance. Applicants must demonstrate financial hardship by completing the application for assistance, including the section on financial hardship, and the self-certification/attestation that their financial hardship is due to COVID-19.
EHAP Guidelines
EHAP Website
The Find Shelter tool is a new resource that helps users search for nearby facilities that provide shelter, clothing, health clinics, and food pantries to those in need. Find Shelter provides mapping and contact information for these service providers and the site is optimized for mobile use.
Find Shelter Website
Provides help with repairing or replacing a home’s primary heating system, such as a furnace or wood-burning stove. The program offers emergency repair and/ or replacement of heating systems for households such as repairing of failed furnaces or boilers, replacing failed heating systems, and snow removal to facilitate fuel delivery in rural areas.
Primary heating source isn’t working
You qualify and are approved for low-income energy assistance (LEAP)
855-4-MY-HEAT (855-469-4328)
Energy Outreach Colorado Website
This emergency shelter provides services for families with children, pregnant women and their partners. A stay in this emergency shelter is a maximum of 60 days. Families can apply by calling the family shelter lottery line below and leaving a message between 5:00 am to 12:00 pm. Families must include the first and last name of each family member and gender identities. Call again at 2:00 pm to listen to the recording which will announce if you are selected for the lottery. If selected, arrive between 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm to receive services for the day.
Family must have children aged 18 or younger OR
Pregnant women and their partner
720-505-2628 (Family Lottery Line)
2178 Victor St
Aurora, CO 80045
Emergency Shelter Website
Volunteers of America provides a 24-hour shelter with supportive services and housing case management for women aged 60 and older. Those interested in the program must be referred by an organization prior to being considered for admission.
Females aged 60 and older
1247 Santa Fe Dr
Denver, CO 80204
The Find Shelter tool is a new resource that helps users search for nearby facilities that provide shelter, clothing, health clinics, and food pantries to those in need. Find Shelter provides mapping and contact information for these service providers and the site is optimized for mobile use.
Find Shelter Website
HopeWest provides care for those facing serious illness and grief in Mesa, Delta, Montrose, Ouray, and Rio Blanco counties. The nonprofit provides extensive bereavement services to people of all ages and provides hospice care in homes, nursing facilities and more.
HopeWest Colorado Website
All Coloradans have access to a free service that connects people to local housing resources including rental and mortgage assistance and legal assistance to prevent a looming eviction.
To receive assistance, call 844-926-6632.
HCAP Website
Housing Resources of Western Colorado provides housing and housing related services to residents of Western Colorado. HRWC helps people create and maintain stable housing in Western Colorado through attainable housing, energy efficiency, education, and renovation programs.
524 30 Road, Suite 3
Grand Junction, CO 81504
HRWCO Website
The Irving Street Women’s Residence is a safe haven that provides chronically homeless women with mental health or physical health needs via their residential and support services. The program provides qualifying women with a home, case manager and the opportunity to meet with a weekly therapist.
Colorado Resident
Women 18 and older
Chronically homeless
Have Mental Health or Physical health need that is being addressed
601 S. Irving Street
Denver, CO 80219
Irving Street Women’s Residence Website
Jewish Family Services offers individuals and families limited rental assistance through the Emergency Assistance Program. They also offer case management to Denver-area individuals and families who are facing homelessness.
Project COPE provides utilities payment assistance to families and individuals struggling financially due to a personal crisis or emergency, regardless of income. It is the only local organization that dedicates its entire funding to utilities payment assistance year-round in Colorado Springs.
Landlords and property owners can apply for assistance on behalf of their tenants who have experienced financial need due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Only landlords and property owners may apply for assistance for the POP program. Tenants and residents must apply through the Emergency Housing Assistance Program (EHAP).
POP Website
Rebuilding Together provides critical repairs and renovations for low-income homeowners across the United States. With nearly 100,000 volunteers, they have been able to repair homes, revitalize communities and rebuild lives.
The Salvation Army provides safe shelter to those in need every night and other services that can help vulnerable communities. The Salvation Army has many offices across Colorado that help individuals and families find shelter and housing, food resources, health services, domestic violence services, family counseling, emergency assistance and more.
To find a local Salvation Army near you and learn about the services offered visit their website.
Rebuilding Together realiza reparaciones y renovaciones importantes para propietarios de viviendas de bajos ingresos a lo largo de los Estados Unidos. Cuenta con casi 100.000 voluntarios, quienes han podido reparar hogares, revitalizar comunidades y reconstruir vidas.
The City of Boulder is offering legal assistance and expanded rental assistance to renters in Boulder who are facing eviction. If you are facing a potential eviction you can place an online request or by calling (303) 441-3414.
1777 Broadway
Boulder CO 80302
Eviction Prevention Services Website
Denver renters and homeowners who lived in their home all of the last year may qualify for a partial refund of property taxes or rent for couples and individuals who are 65 or older or permanently disabled, and for homeowners with children.
The Gathering Place provides food, laundry, showers, rental assistance and more to women, transgenders and children. Members can receive 30 pounds of food once a month. Sign up to be a member at the location. The Gathering Place also offers three meals a day on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday:
Breakfast 8:30 a.m. – 10 a.m.
Lunch 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Snack 3:30 p.m. – 4 p.m.
1535 High St
Denver, Co 80218
The Gathering Place Website
The Place provides youth ages 15 to 24 who are experiencing homelessness with shelter, housing and building connections with family members. The Place connects individuals to community resources and shelters. This nonprofit can also host youth ages 15 to 20 in their 20-bed shelter and provide meals, clothing and easy connections to a health clinics.
719-630-3223 (9am-5pm)
719-205-7129 (After hours)
423 E Cucharras St.
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
The Place Website
The Transition Family Shelter provides three- to six-month short-term shelter for eligible families receiving Colorado Works (TANF) through Arapahoe County. In the shelter, families receive meals, hygiene items, seasonal clothing, case management and financial literacy classes.
2178 Victor St
Aurora, CO 80045
Shelter Website
Family Homestead provides transitional housing for homeless families for up to six-months. Families who enter the program receive a case manager to connect them with housing and resources. Call to apply.
Families who:
Are experiencing homelessness
Have children aged 0 – 18
Have full custody of children
Have at least 1 adult in the household who is employed or going to school
2520 E 37th Ave
Denver, CO 80205
Family Homestead Website
This transitional shelter serves veterans and their families and provides meals, hygiene items, seasonal clothing, case management and financial literacy classes. To apply for the shelter and more information call (303) 341-9160.
For single female veterans and male/female veterans with families
2178 Victor St
Aurora, CO 80045
Shelter Website
Urban Peak provides youth ages 15 to 24 who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless a full convergence of services. This nonprofit helps youth overcome challenges and gain stability by providing an overnight shelter(for ages 15 to 20), a daytime drop-in center, street outreach, education & employment programming, and supportive housing.
TTY/TDD: 800-659-2656
2100 Stout Street
Denver, CO 80205
Urban Peak Website
The Americans with Disabilities Act Checklist for Polling Places provides an updated technical assistance publication on polling place accessibility for voters with disabilities. The publication includes information about key areas of a facility that must be accessible to voters with mobility or vision disabilities, options for low-cost temporary measures for removing barriers, and a survey to guide election officials in evaluating the accessibility of facilities used or being considered for use as polling places.
ADA Checklist for Polling Places
Personalized legal guidance in special needs planning, estate planning, and probate administration. Legal experts guide clients and families through all aspects of this often difficult and hard-to-navigate topic.
Colorado Department of Labor & Employment (CDLE) provides a list of assistance programs. The list includes resources for free and reduced price legal services.
Colorado Legal Services es una organización sin fines de lucro que brinda acceso a servicios legales civiles de alta calidad a personas de bajos ingresos y miembros de poblaciones vulnerables en todo Colorado. Puede solicitar los servicios en línea o por teléfono.
Disability Law Colorado is an independent, public interest non-profit organization, specializing in civil rights and discrimination issues, working to promote systemic change to sustain or improve the quality of life for children and adults with disabilities and elders. If you have a disability or your human rights have been violated, DLC offers free or low-cost legal services.
Guardianship Alliance of Colorado’s purpose is to provide comprehensive professional private, contractual and volunteer guardianship services in order to protect the rights and dignity of vulnerable adults. Information and training is also available related to the guardianship process.
Metro Volunteer Lawyers (MVL), formerly the Thursday Night Bar, provides pro bono civil legal services in the Denver Metro Area to those in need who are living at or below 200% of federal poverty guidelines. MVL is co-sponsored by the Adams/Broomfield, Denver, Douglas/Elbert, and First Judicial District Bar Associations.
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Colorado Law Line offers free limited legal advice to persons seeking information and advice on issues relating to mental health law from a licensed attorney. Those contacting the NAMI Colorado Law Line for legal information will receive a one-time free phone consultation with a volunteer attorney.
Must be an individual with a mental illness, their family member(s), or a loved one.
To receive support call 303-321-3104
NAMI Website
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity offers resources and answers questions about the housing rights of people with disabilities, and the responsibilities of housing providers and building and design professionals according to the federal law.
LGBT National Help Center provides free confidential peer support and opportunities for individuals in the LGBTQ community to connect with local resources via phone or online chats. The LGBT National Help Line is staffed with dedicated volunteers 24/7.
LGBT National Support Hotline: 888-234-7243
LGBT National Youth Hotline: 800-246-7743
LGBT National Hotline: 888-843-4564
LGBT National Help Center Website
Mental Health America shares mental health resources and facts specifically for the LGBTQ+ community. These resources include partnerships and unique educational materials.
The Center on Colfax provides peer-led and confidential support groups for individuals who identify as transgender. These virtual support groups provide space for social support, conversation, and sharing resources. To join an upcoming group, contact Sable Schultz, Manager of Transgender Services.
Must be 18 years or older
Sable Schultz
303-733-7743 ex. 117
The Center on Colfax
1301 E. Colfax Ave.
Denver, CO 80218
Support Group Website
Out Boulder County provides a community hub for the LGBTQIA+ community in Boulder. The organization shares and hosts community events, provides resources for a range of specific needs, and hosts support groups.
13 years or older or ages 11-12 with parents’ permission
Rainbow Alley at The Center on Colfax is a safe space for LGBTQIA+ youth ages 11 to 21 and their allies to connect, find support and acceptance. The program provides youth with a place to drop in, join and create youth-led events and activities, counseling, support groups and more.
The Center on Colfax
1301 E. Colfax Ave.
Denver, CO 80218
Rainbow Alley Website
The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning (LGBTQ) young people under 25. The project offers accredited programs and services to LGBTQ youth that create safe, accepting and inclusive environments.
For support or crisis intervention: 866-488-7386
OR text START to 678-678
For general inquiries: 212-695.8650
The Empowerment program offers a free, evidence-based anger management therapy group for women. The group is led by a licensed professional once a week.
The Empowerment Program Website
Statewide hotline to report suspected child abuse and neglect. All callers will be able to reach someone via the hotline 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
844-CO-4-KIDS (844-264-5437)
Colorado Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline Website
Colorado Crisis Services provides support and counseling for individuals dealing with mental health challenges. Here people can find a place to turn to when they need help the most.
844-493-8255 or text TALK to 38255
Colorado Crisis Services Website
CO Wellness Recovery provides all Coloradans with a free mental health and substance use resource guide. This guide directs you to resources such as people to talk to, treatment options near you, information on what to expect from treatment, and options for caregivers.
1120 Lincoln Street Suite 1606
Denver, Colorado 80203
CO Wellness Recovery Website
FAVA provides support and preventative methods to families who have been affected by a violent act. The program supports individuals though youth and family engagement programs and free support groups for individuals and families dealing with trauma, grief, and anger. To register, reach out to FAVA via phone or email to get the link for the support group meetings.
5224 Sable St
Denver, CO 80239
FAVA Website
NAMI Colorado provides family members and care givers of individuals with mental health challenges with free access to eight sessions in their evidence-based education program. The program teaches participants coping skills, communication techniques, and problem-solving solutions, all designed to better support their loved one(s) with mental health challenges.
Fina a location near you on their website.
NAMI Colorado Website
This comprehensive guide to understanding and addressing mental health challenges in children & adolescents from MentalHealth.com provides an overview of risk factors and treatments for young people.
Jefferson Center for Mental Health is the not-for-profit community mental health center serving Jefferson, Clear Creek, and Gilpin counties. JCMH offers programs and services that foster recovery and resilience in children, adults, and families struggling with mental health conditions and substance use disorders.
Jefferson Center for Mental Health Website
The 18th District Juvenile Assessment Center provides free behavioral health assessments for school-aged students living in Arapahoe, Douglas, Elbert and Lincoln Counties. The assessments are followed by short-term case management to connect students with resources in the community.
Locations served:
Arapahoe County, Douglas County, Elbert County, and Lincoln County
Assessment Center Website
Kaiser Permanente shares a landing page for mental health resources and tips to support a healthy state of mind. Explore a broad range of self care resources and guides designed to help you thrive in mind, body, and spirit.
La Cocina provides 12 free session of therapy for Spanish-speaking individuals, couples and families in need of support. La Cocina, located in Fort Collins, provides services and a support group for those who speak Spanish and do not have insurance. The group provides access mental health resources and health equity support services.
(970) 232-0740
116 East Oak Street
Fort Collins, CO 80524
La Cocina Website
The Mental Health Center of Denver (MHCD) is a place for recovery, resilience and well-being, known locally and nationally as a model for innovative and effective community behavioral health care. They provide treatment, prevention, outreach and crisis services to children, families and adults through multiple networks and community partnerships.
(303) 504-6500
MHCD Website
A helpful guide to identify the signs and symptoms of common mental health issues for college students and where and when to seek help.
The Family & Intercultural Resource Center’s ALMA (Amigas Latinas Motivando el Alma) peer-support program is designed for Latino and Hispanic women who are going through hard times by pairing them with other women who have faced similar challenges. This program is free and is offered virtually on Zoom.
The Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health Colorado Chapter provides mental health support services to Families of youth ages 0-21 living with emotional, behavioral, and/or mental health disorders at no direct cost. They support families through advocacy, trainings, education and referrals to resources and services.
7465 W 5th Ave, Ste 307
Lakewood, CO 80226
Federations Website
Free, confidential guidance by phone for mental or emotional issues, substance abuse issues or problems in relationships, work or school.
NAMI provides family and peers virtual support groups across Colorado for individuals with a mental illness or have a loved one with a mental illness. The support groups provide a place to connect, support and share similar experiences with one another.
Call for help if you feel you are in a crisis or thinking about killing yourself. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.
Suicide Prevention Website
Mothers and Moods (M&Ms) is a free, weekly drop-in support group for postpartum women (currently on zoom.) The support group is a part of The Healthy Expectations Perinatal Mental Health Program at Children’s Hospital Colorado and offers support to moms experiencing postpartum challenges who are unable to join the hospital’s psychotherapy groups due to insurance or scheduling issues. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please use the contact information below.
Children’s Hospital Website
Parentline Colorado offers parents a free telebehavioral health service offering brief, strategic psychotherapy through video chat and telephone to pregnant and postpartum families with children up to age 5. The program is only the second of its kind in the country.
Building Hope offers a peer support program for a variety of populations and support needs. Peer support groups connect individuals who have gone through similar experiences. People have a chance to connect with a trained peer specialist to share personal experiences and feelings, coping strategies, or firsthand information about conditions and treatments.
701 Granite St, #270,
Frisco, CO 80443
Building Hope Website
Start Your Recovery offers relatable information for people who are dealing with substance use issues – and their family members, friends, and co-workers, too. The organization provides reliable information to help people at any stage of their recovery.
The Healthy Expectations Perinatal Mental Health Program at Children’s Hospital Colorado supports pregnant women and women struggling with mood and anxiety issues after delivery, as well as their families. The program offers psychiatric and psychosocial evaluations, provides group therapy and medication management.
Healthy Expectations website
The Empowerment Program offers people free classes and therapy groups for a variety of behavioral health issues and supports. To get started, enroll in their program by applying here.
1600 York Street
Denver, CO 80206
The Empowerment Program Website
The Potter’s House of Denver Wellness Ministry is a place for resilience, training and well-being. They provide practical application in the form of group, individual, couple and family sessions for children and adults virtually throughout the state of Colorado and globally.
9495 E Florida Ave
Denver, CO 80247
The Potter’s House website
RTD provides shared-ride service for those who cannot use regular fixed-route bus/light rail service due to a disability or inability that prohibits you from traveling on a fixed bus route independently. Prices vary, check online for most up-to-date fare.
RTD Website
DRMAC promotes mobility and access for older adults, people with disabilities and people of low income through advocacy, coordination, education and information. They offer trainings and resources in the Denver Metro area to the community.
DRMAC Website
Denver Human Services offers a Document Runner Service Program for Denver residents who need assistance accessing application documents for the following programs: TANF, SNAP, LEAP, Medicaid, and Childcare. Document runners courier application documents to applicants’ homes, leave them at the front door for applicants to complete at their convenience, and then return to pick up all documents once applications have been completed.
Document Runner Service Line 720-944-1520
RTD FlexRide provides extended bus service in specific Denver metro areas to deliver first- and last-mile connections to other RTD Park-n-Rides and stations, medical centers, and business parks. FlexRide provides services at regular fare rates (check the website for fare rates.) Services may vary due to public health orders, check online for availability.
Call 303-299-6000, option 2, to reserve your ride
RTD Website
Getting is a quick and easy interactive tool designed to help individuals find specialized transportation options that meet an array of different needs. Based on DRMAC’s Getting There Guide, a guide that helps bridge transportation gaps for individuals who need extra support, the database walks each user through a brief series of short questions to help determine the best transportation option(s) to meet a variety of trip requirements or requests.
DrMac’s Getting There Guide Website
IntelliRide provides non-medical and non-emergency medical transportation to Medicaid eligible Health First Colorado members. The statewide transportation service is offered free of cost for qualifying individuals.
IntelliRide Website
DRMAC offers free virtual travel training sessions, teaching safety and best practices when riding RTD and using rideshare services. Individuals and organizations such as living facilities, care centers, etc. can schedule training sessions by contacting DRMAC.
RTD offers seniors, youth, people with disabilities, and income-based fare discounts to ride public transits. Proof of eligibility is required for all passengers using discounted fare products.
RTD Website
Hands of a Carpenter helps working single mothers with dependent children who live in Broomfield County, Jefferson County, and additional zip code areas to find and maintain reliable transportation. The organization provides vehicle repairs and ongoing maintenance, and services donated cars to ensure that highly functioning vehicles are placed with the women who need them.
Learn more about eligibility requirements by clicking here.
16097 South Golden Rd
Golden, CO, 80401
Operation Revamp is a nonprofit that offers Colorado veterans free alternative healing and supports through art healing classes and tai chi (martial art) classes. They provide qualifying individuals with free art supplies, bus passes and emergency assistance for groceries and specific transportation needs such as gas. You can either call or apply online to access services.
Veteran living in Colorado
Proof of Military Service
Form of Identification
307 S 12th St
Grand Junction, CO 81501
Operation Revamp Website
CAMO provides outdoor recreation opportunities for service members and veterans with physical, cognitive and emotional challenges. The activities aim to enhance their well-being and heal the body and mind.
CAMO Website
The Colorado Springs Vet Center provides free readjustment counseling services to qualifying combat veterans & active-duty military personnel. They provide counseling services for sexual trauma, family and couples and bereavement. Call or visit the location to apply.
All Veterans are encouraged to seek Vet Center services. Any Veterans and current Service members, including members of the National Guard and Reserve components, are eligible if any of the following applies:
- Have served on active military duty in any combat theater or area of hostility∗ (see footnote)
- Experienced a military sexual trauma (regardless of gender or service era)
- Provided mortuary services or direct emergent medical care to treat the casualties of war while serving on active military duty
- Provided mortuary services or direct emergent medical care to treat the casualties of war while serving on active military duty
- Performed as a member of an unmanned aerial vehicle crew that provided direct support to operations in a combat theater or area of hostility
- Accessed care at a Vet Center prior to Jan. 2, 2013, as a Vietnam-Era Veteran
- Served on active military duty in response to a national emergency or major disaster declared by the president, or under orders of the governor or chief executive of a state in response to a disaster or civil disorder in that state
- Are a current or former member of the Coast Guard who participated in a drug interdiction operation, regardless of the location
3920 N. Union Blvd. Suite 310
Colorado Springs, CO 80107
Vet Center Website
Accredited Online Colleges connects veterans to a sea of educational options and opportunities available to veterans. The article provides information about using the money awarded to veterans from the GI Bill for a university education.
The Colorado Veterans Resource Coalition (CVRC) Crawford House program provides safe temporary housing for veterans in the Colorado Springs area who are homeless and receiving VA-provided mental health care. CVRC provides residential care, treatment and rehabilitative services for veterans. For 90 days, the program provides veterans support in finding stable housing and employment.
To apply visit VA’s homeless walk-in clinic at
3141 Centennial Blvd
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Monday 8:30 – 1:00
Wednesday 8:30 – 1:00
Thursday 8:30 – 1:00
415 S. Weber St.
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
CVRC Website
Disabled Vet Assistance is designed to help struggling or disabled veterans find veteran support centers in their area. The organization uses a locator service to help veterans get in touch with a variety of veteran support services. Call (901) 238-8513 to get support or visit their website to learn more.
Disabled Vet Assitance
Veterans run a high risk of developing mesothelioma, a rare cancer caused by asbestos. Learn how you could have been exposed to asbestos as a veteran and get help applying benefits and disability compensation from the VA.
Mesothelioma Group Website
The National Resource Directory is a resource website that connected wounded warriors, Military Service Members, Veterans, their families and caregivers to programs and services that support them. The resources are vetted, reviewed and maintained for up-to-date information.
NRD Website
PATRIOTlink is a free resource database inclusive of regularly vetted resources that support the military and veteran community. Sign up for a free account and find resources in your location with their easy-to-use search tool.
Patriot Link Website
The Mesa County Workforce Center is a career center that provides veterans with an employment representative to assist with job searching, job referrals, career counseling, application process for a Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty DD form 214 and more. Veterans can apply by registering with Connecting Colorado, or by calling or visiting the Workforce Center directly and speaking with an employment specialist.
970-248- 7580
512 29 1/2 Rd
Grand Junction, CO 81504
Workforce Website
Peak Military Care Network (PMCN) assists service members, veterans and their families in identifying providers to meet their needs, connecting them to needed information and resources. PMCN helps guide families through complex systems of care, ensuring assistance every step of the way.
PMCN Website
The Exceptional Advocate is a newsletter for military families with special needs by Military OneSource. Get the most updated information related to the Exceptional Family Member program.
Connects veterans in crisis and their families and friends with qualified, caring Department of Veterans Affairs responders through a confidential toll-free hotline, online chat, or text. Available 24/7.
Veterans Crisis Line Website
Search through the list of categories below to find resources that may be available in your community. If you would like to recommend a community resource to be added to this list, send an email to resources@rmhumanservices.org.
Additional State Resources:
211 Colorado
Call 2-1-1
211 Colorado serves as a resource for individuals in need of vital services statewide in Colorado. Find holiday and other resources in Colorado communities online or by calling 2-1-1 or visiting their website.
211 Colorado Website
Type in your zip code and FindHelp.org will find local resources for food, housing, health, help paying bills, and other free or reduced cost programs.
FindHelp.org Website